addAttachment=Add a new attachment addAttachmentPageTitle=Add a new attachment addUserPageTitle=Register a new user attachment=Attachment attachmentContainer=Attachment container attachmentContainerPageTitle=Attachment container attachments=Attachments bidPageTitle=Enquiry for {0}, {1} ({2}) ChooseFileToUploadError=Please select a file to upload companyContactPageTitle=Company contact contactPageTitle=Company contact contactPageTitle=Contact createNewRequest=New request date=Date dataprotectionPageTitle=Data protection dataprotectionPageTitle=Data protection description=Description fileName=File name freeVersion=Free Version functionsPageTitle=Functions functionsPageTitle=Functions legalinformationPagePageTitle=Legal Information legalinformationPagePageTitle=Legal Information newRequestPageTitle=New request newsPageTitle=News newsPageTitle=News NotFound=Not Found NotFound.description=Please check the URL and try again. NotFound.text=Sorry, but the requested resource is not available. termsofusePageTitle=Terms of use pricesPageTitle=Prices pricesPageTitle=Prices rulesPageTitle=Rules size=Size source=Source startPageTitle="Now simply go out to tender. Without prior knowledge. RFI, RFQ und Reverse Auctions" aboutusPageTitle=About us aboutusPageTitle=About us userReportsPageTitle=User reports userReportsPageTitle=User reports newUserRegister =Register a new user companyLabelText =Company contact companyPlaceholderText =Please enter your company name ... streetLabelText =Street streetPlaceholderText =Please enter the street name ... postcodeLabelText =Postcode postcodePlaceholderText =Please enter your postcode ... cityLabelText =City cityPlaceholderText =Please enter the city … nameLabelText =Name namePlaceholderText =Please enter your first and last names ... firstNameLabelText =First name firstNamePlaceholderText =Please enter your first name ... lastNameLabelText =Last name lastNamePlaceholderText =Please enter your last name ... emailLabelText =E-mail address emailPlaceholderText =Please enter your e-mail address ... phoneNumberLabelText =Telephone phoneNumberPlaceholderText =Please enter your telephone number ... passwordLabelText =Password passwordPlaceholderText=Please enter your password ... confirmPasswordLabelText=Confirm password confirmPasswordPlaceholderText=Please confirm your password... packetLabelText =Packet singleText =Single - 30 days free trial freeText =Free - Register free of charge teamSText =Team S - 30 days free trial teamXLText =Team XL - 30 days free trial jobTitleLabelText=Job title registerButtonText =Register userCreatedText=Thank you for your registration. You will shortly receive an email to confirm your registration. To complete your registration please click on the provided link. emailAlreadyExistsText =E-mail address already exists passwordRestrictionsText =Password must be at least 6 characters long checkInputText =Please complete the fields highlighted in red cancelButtonText =Cancel LoginButtonText =Log in UserLogin =User login emailOrPasswordInvalid =E-mail address or password invalid emailAndPasswordRequired =Please enter your e-mail address and password passwordRequired =Password incorrect emailValidOrRequired =Not a valid e-mail address companyContacts=Company contacts companyContact=Company contact createNewCompanyContact=Create a new company contact createNewContact=Create a new contact newContact=New contact deleteNewCompanyContact=Delete company contact editCompanyContact=Edit company contact companyName=Company name placeholderCompanyName=Please enter your company name... street=Street houseNum=No placeholderStreet=Please enter the street name ... postcode=Postcode placeholderPostcode=Please enter your postcode ... city=City placeholderCity=Please enter the city ... save=Save cancel=Cancel create=Create name=Name placeholderName=Please enter your name ... email=E-mail placeholderEmail=Please enter your e-mail ... phoneNumber=Telephone number placeholderPhoneNumber=Please enter your telephone number ... myRequests=My requests request=Request requests=Requests chooseKontakt =Select contact noContactsAdded =No contacts added addContact =Add contact addPersonalMessage =Add a personal message emailContact =E-mail address contact contactName=Name apply=Apply saveInCompanyContacts=Save contact in company contacts Shorttext=Short text Amount=Quantity Unit=Unit UnitPrice=Price / unit Total=Total Question=Question QuestionType=Question type Answer=Answer Articles=Articles Questions=Questions QuestionsInactive=Without questions ExcludeZeroRatings=Exclude questions without ratings AddGroup=Add a group EditGroup=Edit group RemoveGroup=Delete group addLongtext=Add long text contactList=Contact list addContactFromContactList=Add a contact from the contact list account=User account defaultValues=Default settings team=Team userSettings=Settings change=Change currency=Currency yes=Yes no=No requestForQuotation=Price request (RFQ) requestForInformation=Information request (RFI) discountSurcharge=Surcharge / discount procedure reverseAuction=Reverse auction requestTypesLabelText=Request types languageLabelText=Language german=German german-ch=German (Switzerland) english=English tenderingView=Tender view keepTenderingSecret=Keep tenders secret until the tender deadline? keepAttachmentSecret=Keep tender attachments secret until the tender deadline? logo=Logo company=Company edit=Edit RequestForQuotation=Price request (RFQ) RequestForQuotationExt=Price request (RFQ) - multi level tender specification RequestForInformation=Information request (RFI) DiscountSurchargeRequest=Surcharge / discount procedure ReverseAuctionRequest=Reverse auction DiscountSurcharge=Surcharge / discount (%) StandardUnitPrice=Unit price Request.State.Finished=Finished Request.State.New=New Request.State.Sent=Sent Request.State.Evaluation=Evaluation RequestType.RFQ=Price request (RFQ) RequestType.RFQExt=Price request (RFQ) - multi level tender specification RequestType.RFI=Information request (RFI) RequestType.DiscountSurcharge=Surcharge / discount procedure RequestType.ReverseAuction=Reverse auction RequestType.RequestForRawMaterial=Request for raw material RequestType.ForwardAuction=Forward auction QuestionType.YesNo=Yes / No QuestionType.Text=Text QuestionType.TextArea=Text area QuestionType.MultipleChoice=Drop-down menu QuestionType.MultiSelect=Multiple select QuestionType.Upload=File upload QuestionType.Number=Number QuestionType.CurrencyQuestion=Currency QuestionType.Currency=Currency QuestionType.Percent=Percent QuestionType.OrganizationalUnitSelect=Organizational unit QuestionType.Date=Date QuestionType.MonthYear=Month & Year QuestionType.DateTime=Date & Time QuestionType.DateRange=Date range QuestionType.DateTimeRange=Date & time range QuestionType.Preformatted=Preformatted customRegex=Regular expression createMask=Create mask MultiSelect=Multiple select YesNo=Yes / No Text=Text MultipleChoice=Drop-down menu Number=Number Currency=Currency CurrencyQuestion=Currency Event.CreateRequest=has created the request Event.InvitationAdded=has added a participant Event.InvitationDeclined=has declined participation Event.TenderCreated=has submitted a tender Event.TenderCanceled=has withdrawn a tender Event.InvitationsAdded=has invited participants Event.AttachmentAdded=has added an attachment Event.ChangeRequest=has changed the invitation to tender Event.TookRequest=took the request Event.OffersOpened=opened the offers Event.CreateRequestFromPurchaseRequisition=has created the request based on a purchase requisition Event.ResetTendererPassword=reset the password for a participant Event.DeadlineExtended=extended the submission deadline Event.NDAAccepted=accepted the conditions for participation Event.FirstLogin=logged in for the first time Event.Login=logged in Event.Logoff=logged off comment=Comment history=History confirm=Confirm addNoteRequired=Please enter a reason (at least 10 letters) declineParticipation=Decline participation addOffer=Submit offer addAnswer=Submit answer saveAndSend=Save and send send=Send errorOccured=An error has occurred ok=OK TenderingError.RequestFinished=The submission deadline of this invitation to tender has expired. TenderingError.AuctionNotStarted=The auction hat not started yet. contacts=Contacts street=Street postCode=Postcode city=City commodityGroup=Product group commodityGroupPlaceholderText =Please enter the product group ... customField1=Additional information customField1PlaceholderText =Please enter customer field 1 ... customField2=Customer field 2 customField2PlaceholderText =Please enter customer field 2 ... cancelLastTender=Cancel last tender confirmCancelLastTenderText=Please give a reason (at least 10 characters) in order to cancel your last tender: Participants=Participants Participant=Participant delete=Delete deletion=Deletion confirmDeletion=Do you really want to delete the data set? Label.Description=Description Tooltip.Description=Here you can describe the request in detail. The content is visible to the participant / bidder. Label.TenderingView=Tender view Tooltip.TenderingView=By selecting "Yes", the prices in the evaluation are first inserted after the expiry of the submission deadline. With "No", you can see the prices at anytime. Tooltip.UnitPrice=The prices can be optionally edited (as an estimated value or an old purchase price). It is not visible to the participant / bidder. A price indication is not compulsory. TenderCreated.Title=Tender successfully created TenderCreated.Message=You have successfully submitted an offer. TenderCreated.TitleRFI=Document successfully created TenderCreated.MessageRFI=You have successfully submitted the replies. LastTenderCanceled.Title=Tender successfully withdrawn LastTenderCanceled.Message=You have successfully withdrawn your last tender. ParticipationDeclined.Title=Participation declined ParticipationDeclined.Message=You have successfully declined participation in the invitation to tender RequestCreated.Title=Request created RequestCreated.Message=The request has been successfully created TenderingError.UnknownError=An error has occurred. Please try again later. RequestError.UnknownError=An error has occurred. Please try again later. contactActionSheet.AddExisting=Select from the contact list contactActionSheet.CreateNew=Create a new contact reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel=Transparency level reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel.Bestprice=Own price + best price reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel.BestpriceAndPlace=Own price + best price + ranking reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel.BestpriceAndPlaceAndParticipantCount=Own price + best price + ranking + number of bidders reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel.PlaceAndParticipantCount=Own price + ranking + number of bidders reverseAuction.TransparencyLevel.OwnPriceAndPlace=Own price + ranking reverseAuction.AuctionStartDate=Auction start reverseAuction.AuctionFinishDate=Auction end request.FinishDate=Submission deadline Bestprice=Best price Placement=Ranking ParticipantsCount=Participants myCompanyLabel=My company Offers=Offers Offer=Offer confirmEditRequestTitle=Caution – existing participants may be affected confirmEditRequestMessage=You are in the process of changing options of the request. Existing participation (offers, feedback, etc.) of the bidders could, therefore, become incomplete or irrelevant. The participants will be informed of the changes. Please enter a reason: DeleteError.OnlyNewRequestsCanBeDeleted=Only requests with the status "new" can be deleted deleteContactTooltip=Delete contact resendInvitationTooltip=Resend the invitation showBidViewTooltip=Show as participant finish=Finish finishRequestTooltip=Finish request messageToRequestorPlaceholder=Compose a message noTextError=To send a message, please enter text MessageCreated.Title=Message sent MessageCreated.Message=Your message has been successfully sent messages=Messages noRecipientsAddedError=Please add at least one participant who should receive the message. unknownError=An error has occurred. Please try again later chooseYourAction=Choose action confirmFinishTitle=Do you really want to finish? confirmFinishText=Your request has been irreversibly ended. The participants will be subsequently informed automatically by e-mail if the submission deadline has not yet been reached. Are you sure? requestEditSuccessTitle=Request edited requestEditSuccessMessage=The changes have been successfully implemented. requestSeenTooltip=The participant opened the request requestNotSeenTooltip=The participant has not opened the request yet noAttachmentsAdded=no Attachments hasOfferTooltip=Participant added an offer copyRequestTooltip=Copy request copy=Copy copyOf=Copy of misc=miscellaneous internalNote=internal note internalNoteTooltip=Participants cannot see this note MaterialNumber=Materialnumber customId=Company ID biddingSteps=Bidding steps createdDate=Date created updatedDate=Date updated title=Title requestState=State requestType=Request type Event.Finished=finished the request downloadAsExcel=Download as Excel sheet downloadNegotiationAsExcel=Negotiation results addAttachmentFromContainer=Add from attachment container from=from to=to deadlines=Deadlines general=General createdBy=Created by addEvent=Add entry Event.Manual=added an event addEventPlaceholderText=add your details to the history addEventSuccessTitle=Entry added addEventSuccessMessage=Your entry has been successfully added to the history procedureRecord=procedure record procedureRecordWithOffers=procedure record (incl. offers) procedureRecordAttachment=Attachment requiredFieldsError=Please provide data for all required fields requestor=User XlsUpDownload=Price Up-/Download excelActionSheet.Title=Excel Up-/Download excelActionSheet.Download=Download excelActionSheet.Upload=Upload attachmentActionSheet.AddExisting=Add from attachment container attachmentActionSheet.CreateNew=Create new attachment SettingsUpdated=Setting updated SettingsUpdatedMessage=The settings have been changed successfully addTeamMember=Add team member subscriptionPlan=Subscription plan positions=Positions evaluation=Evaluation imprint=Imprint privacyPolicy=Data Protection termsOfUse=Terms of Use about=About functions=Functions prices=Prices userReports=User reports reasons=5 good reasons contact=Contact Label.myName=My name Label.currency=Currency Label.requestType=Request type EndBeforeStartError=The auction end must be after the begin StartFinishDateError=Please provide a begin and end date FinishDateError=Please provide a submission deadline TenderCreated.TitleReverseAuction=Submission successful TenderCreated.MessageReverseAuction=The entry was successful. Please check via "Update" whether you have reached the best bid. Event.InvitationResent=has resent the invitation to a participant changePassword=change password currentPassword=current password newPassword=new password confirmNewPassword=confirm new password messageToParticipantPlaceholder=compose a message Label.client=Client clients=Clients addClient=Add client clientNamePlaceholderText=client name editClient=Edit client deleteClientTitle=Delete client deleteClientText=Are you sure? noClients=no clients found contactSuccessTitle=Contact contactSuccessMessage=Your message has been sent successfully passwordNoMatch=The password and confirmation password do not match. bidIncompleteSendAnyway=Your did not make an offer for every position. Do you want to add your offer anyway? bidIncompleteSendAnywayTitle=Offer incomplete registerToCreateFreeRequestText=Please register to create a free request. Label.Reminder=Use reminder reminders=Reminders addReminder=Add reminder Label.ReminderText=Reminder text reminderDateTime=Remind on reminderFor= ReminderFor.All=Remind all participants ReminderFor.WithoutOffer=Remind only participants without offer ReminderFor.NotViewed=Remind only participants who did not view the request saveRequestTooltip=Save request Event.ReminderTriggered=has triggered a reminder close=Close Support=Support supportText=CHG-MERIDIAN AG
Franz-Beer-Str. 111
88250 Weingarten

Telephone: +49 751 503 612
eMail: placeholderCustomId=Company ID (e.g. SAP Identifier) PasswordChanged=Password changed PasswordChangedMessage=You have successfully changed your password. uploadXlsx=Import uploadContactsXlsxTooltip=Import from Excel spreadsheet importActionSheet.Title=Import data importFile=Upload a file downloadTemplate=Download template importData=Import data invitationResent=The participant has been invited invitationResentFailed=The participant could not been invited moreActions=more Actions contactCannotBeDeleted=The contact could not be deleted. Contacts already invited to a request cannot be deleted. companyCannotBeDeleted=The company could not be deleted. Companies already invited to a request cannot be deleted. contactEditSuccess=You have successfully edited the contact. contactEditFailed=The changes could not be saved. addReminderSeries=Add series createReminderSeries=Create series Label.ReminderStartDate=First reminder of this series on Label.reminderFor=Reminder for Label.Recurrence=Recurrence Recurrence.Daily=Daily Recurrence.Weekly=Weekly Recurrence.BiWeekly=Bi-weekly Recurrence.Monthly=Monthly Recurrence.Quarterly=Quarterly Recurrence.Yearly=Yearly Label.ReminderEndsAfter=Repeat Times=Times filename=Filename articleImportedTitle=Articles imported articleImportedMessage=The articles have been successfully read from the file. You can now check the data bevor you add them to the request by hitting the "save"-button. TeamMemberAdded=Team member added TeamMemberAddedMessage=Your team member has been added. chooseAttachment=Choose attachment noAttachmentsFound=No attachments found attachmentActionSheet.Remove=Remove attachmentActionSheet.Download=Download addComment=add a comment questionImportedTitle=Questions imported questionImportedMessage=The questions have been successfully read from the file. You can now check the data bevor you add them to the request by hitting the "save"-button. editArticlesDescription=Edit longtext editQuestionsDescription=Edit question settings editGroup=Edit group saveAndSendTooltip=Saves the request and sends invitations to the participants saveTooltip=Saves the request invitationPersonalMessage=Personal message GeneralTab=General PositionsTab=Positions AttachmentsTab=Attachments ParticipantsTab=Participants Group=Group addPosition=Add position addQuestion=Add question Longtext=Longtext Login=Login Register=Register Settings=Settings Support=Support Logout=Logout Created=Created By=By Event.AttachmentDeleted=deleted an attachment autoIdPatternText=YYYY is the current year, NNNN a auto-increment number autoIdPattern=-YYYY-NNNN Label.Street=Street Label.PostcodeCity=Postcode / City clientStreetPlaceholderText=Street clientPostcodelaceholderText=Postcode clientCityPlaceholderText=City Event.TenderUpdated=updated the tender classification=Classification internal=internal external=external DeleteAttachmentError=An error occurred. DragDropHint=To add files, you can also use drag & drop on your desktop or tablet. ChooseAttachmentForEdit=Please select an attachment for editing. editAttachment=Edit attachment fileRequiredForUpload=Please choose a file to upload. group=Group saveToAttachmentContainer=Save to attachments container? noArticlesText=To add articles use the "+" button. AddArticleGroup=Add article group AddQuestionGroup=Add question group InvitationCreated=invitation sent InvitationCreatedMessage=The invitation has been successfully sent. ChooseBoilerplateToEdit=Please choose a boilerplate to edit. ChooseInputMaskToEdit=Please choose an input mask to edit. confirmBoilerplateDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete the selected boilerplate. confirmInputMaskDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete the selected input mask. errorEditBoilerplate=An error occurred. errorCreateBoilerplate=An error occurred. errorDeleteBoilerplate=An error occurred. inputmasks=Input masks inputmask=Input mask testInputMask=Test input mask NumbersAndCharacters=Numbers and Characters Characters=Characters Numbers=Numbers ImmutableCharacters=Immutable Characters enterQuantity=Enter quantity enterImmutableCharacters=Enter characters enterTextToTest=Enter text to test invalidCharactersUsed=Characters ';*+' are not allowed boilerplates=Boilerplates boilerplate=Boilerplate boilerplateName=Name boilerplateText=Text chooseABoilerplate=Insert a boilerplate invitationPersonalMessageExplained=This message will be send to the participants with their invitation. removeAttachmentFromPosition=Remove attachment uploadAttachment=Upload attachment movePositionUp=Move up movePositionDown=Move down toggleFullscreen=Toggle fullscreen Label.personalMessage=Message requestDate=Request date requestBy=Request by uploadTenderingExcelSuccess=The data has been successfully read. You may now verify the offer before submitting it by pressing the "submit" button. errorEditRequest=An error occurred addEditBoilerplate=Boilerplate recipients=Recipients message=Message showPersonalMessage=Show personal message personalMessage=Personal message resetPasswordTitle=Reset password resetPasswordFormTitle=Reset your password here submit=Submit PasswordResetSuccessMessage=You have successfully reset your password. You can login with your new password. PasswordResetErrorMessage=An error occurred, your password could not be reset. ForgotPassword=Forgot you password? forgotPasswordError=An error occurred, please try again later. passwordRecoveryEmailSent=We sent you an email to the provides address. Please follow the instructions to reset your password. units=Units addEditUnit=Add / edit unit unitName=Unit ChoseUnitToEdit=Please choose a unit to edit. confirmUnitDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete the selected unit. QuestionCriterion=Criterion CriterionMust=Must CriterionMustIfUnitPrice=Must if price is given CriterionCan=Can Must=Must Can=Can preparingFile=The requested file is being generated. Please be patient. downloadError=An error occured during the generation of the requested file. Please try again later. FileTypeMismatchErrorMessage=The file type is not allowed. importSapFile=Import from SAP importActionSheet.SapUploadTitle=Import from SAP downloadForSap=Download for SAP download=Download Supplier=Supplier Price=Price sapExportPageTitle=Create download file Banf=Purchase requisition  confirmSapDownloadWithMissingCompanyIds=One or more companies do not have a SAP company ID. Please check the entries. Do you want to create the export file for SAP anyway? reportSelection=Selection reportResult=Result reportPeriod=Period reportFrom=from reportTo=to reportSettings=Settings user=User numberOfRequests=Requests volume=Volumne subHeaderVolume=Sum of best-prices applySelection=Run kilo=K Mega=M Giga=B Tera=T Peta=Q reportByRequestType=By request type reportByRequestState=By request state reportByUser=By user reportByParticipants=Participants video=Video addParticipantAttachment=Add new attachment KeyUserPageTitle=Locations Location=Location userDeactivated=User deactivated useFixUnits=Restrict selection to these units? unitIsoCode=ISO Code timeLimits=Time limits extendLabel=Extend by extendText1=minutes, if a new offer is submitted within the last extendText2=minutes, but max auctionBidding=Bidding reverseAuctionBiddingText=Participant must beat best price to place an offer? forwardAuctionBiddingText=Participant must beat best price to place an offer? ContactCreateFailed=Could not create the contact. Article=Article QuestionsForArticle=Questions for article positionHasQuestions=There are additional questions for this position CurrencyQuestion=Currency Currency=Currency file=File add=Add confirmDeclineParticipationText=You wish to decline the invitation to tender? Please state in at least 10 characters why you do not want to participate: confirmDeclineSupplierAssessmentParticipationText=You wish to decline to participate in this supplier assessment? Please state in at least 10 characters why you do not want to participate: Integer=Integer value Float=Floating point number Percent=Percent value String=Text value (max 4000 characters) Boolean=Yes/No (Checkbox) customFields=Additional price fields fieldName=field name dataType=data type addEditCustomField=Manage additional price field additionalPriceField=Additional price field deleteCustomFieldText=Are you sure you want to delete the additional price field? If the field was used in previous requests, it will still be available in those requests, but cannot be used anymore. ChoseCustomFieldToDelete=Please select an additional price field you want to delete. ChoseCustomFieldToEdit=Please select an additional price field you want to edit. Tooltip.AllowAttachmentUploadAfterRequestFinish=„Yes“ allows participants to upload attachments after the submission deadline. „No“ disables the possibility for participants to upload attachments after the submission deadline. allowAttachmentUploadAfterRequestFinish=Allow uploads after submission deadline allowPurchaserAttachmentUploadAfterRequestFinish=Allow purchasers to upload Attachments after request is finished editRequestTooltip=Edit request deleteRequestTooltip=Delete request ForwardAuctionRequest=Forward auction groupBestPricePopover=The current best price for this article group is {0} {1}. With this you are on rank {2}. countdownLabelSingular=\u0020millisecond| second| minute| hour| day| week| month| year| decade| century| millennium countdownLabelPlural=\u0020milliseconds| seconds| minutes| hours| days| weeks| months| years| decades| centuries| millennia countdownLabelLast=\u0020and finishesIn=finishes in Tooltip.AuctionStartPrice=The Startprice is a „virtual best price“: As long as no participants beats the start price, this value is considered the best price. StartPrice=Start price DutchAuctionRequest=Dutch auction RequestType.DutchAuction=Dutch auction errorMessageArticlesCountExceeded=You have reached the maximum number of possible articles offerDutchAuction=Offer for {0} {1} countdownLabelEmpty=0 seconds confirmDutchOffer=Please confirm that you want to offer for {0} {1}. nextIncrement=next increment CurrentPrice=current price StartPriceLimitPrice=Start price / Limit price DutchAuctionIncrement=Price step DutchAuctionIncrementText=every dutchInterval=Time interval startPrice=Startprice increment=Increment DutchOfferSubmitted.Title=Offer submitted DutchOfferSubmitted.Message=You have successfully submitted your offer. TenderingError.DutchAuctionFinished=The offer could not be submitted because the auction is already finished. EventDutchAuctionOffer=accepted the price: requestIsFinished=This request is already finished. confirmDeleteCompanyContact=Please confirm that you want to delete this company contact. Please note that contacts from this company participating in any request will be kept as particpant. confirmDeleteContact=Please confirm that you want to delete this contact. ForwardAuctionRequest=Forward auction deleteRequestTooltip=Delete request confirmDeclineParticipationText=You wish to decline the invitation to tender? Please state in at least 10 characters why you do not want to participate: CompanyContactEvent.InvitedToRequest=invited {0} to the request {1} CompanyContactEvent.Created=created the company requestSettings=Requests contactSettings=Company Contacts materialGroups=Material groups usePredefinedMaterialGroups=Restrict selection to these material groups? materialGroupName=Material group materialGroupResponsibleManager=Responsible manager companyContactStates=Company States companyContactStateName=State default=Default addCompanyContactEvent=Add event companyContactEvent=Event companyContactEventDetails=Details companyContactEventComment=Comment companyContactEventDate=Date companyContactEventIsOpenIssue=Is open issue? companyContactEventRating=Rating companyContactEventResponsibleUser=Responsible cashDiscountPercent=Cash discount cashDiscountDays=Cash discount days bonusPercent=Bonus relations=Company relations outgoingRelation=Outgoing relation incomingRelation=Incoming relation ChoseRelationToEdit=Please choose a relation to edit. ChoseRelationToDelete=Please choose a relation to delete. errorEditRelation=An error has occured. errorCreateRelation=An error has occured. confirmRelationDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete this relation. errorDeleteRelation=An error has occured. isOpenIssue=Open issue toRequest=To the request days=days contactRole=Role mainContact=VIP namePrefix=Salutation FirstName=First name addEditContact=Contact errorCreate=An error occured. ChoseContactToEdit=Please choose a contact to edit. supplierRegistration=Supplier application supplierRegistrationPageTitle=Apply as supplier for {0} commodityGroupsPlaceholderText=Please choose commodityGroups=Material group(s) namePrefixPlaceholder=Prefix websiteLabelText=Website roleLabelText=Role rolePlaceholderText=e.g. Sales, Key Accounting, CEO, ... chooseCurrency=Currency personalSettings=Personal Settings supplierRegistrationEnabled=Enable Supplier application supplierRegistrationGeneralDescription=Introduction text supplierRegistrationGeneralDescriptionText=This text will be displayed on top of the Supplier application page supplierRegistrationDefaultNotificationEmail=Notification Email supplierRegistrationDefaultNotificationEmailText=New Supplier applications will be sent to this email supplierRegistrationAttachmentsEnabled=Enable attachments supplierRegistrationAttachmentsDescription=Attachments description supplierRegistrationAttachmentsDescriptionText=This text will be displayed before the attachment upload field of the Supplier application page. For example you can specify here what kind of attachments you would like to request from the supplier. supplierRegistrationPreviewLinkLabel=Link Event.AttachmentAdded=added an attachment subject=Subject cleanUrl=Clean URL register=Register supplierRegistrationSuccess=Thank you for your application as supplier. We will get back to you as soon as possible. averageRatingTooltip=Average rating: ratingIndicatorTooltip=1 Star = very bad / 2 = bad / 3 = Ok / 4 = good / 5 = very good messageSent=The message has been successfully sent. country=Country countries=Countries selectCountry=Select countries Event.AttachmentAdded=added an attachment companyContactClassifications=Company classifications companyContactClassificationName=Classification ChoseCompanyContactClassificationToEdit=Please choose a classification to edit. ChoseCompanyContactClassificationToDelete=Please choose a classification to delete. assessmentCriteria=Assessment criteria supplierAssessors=Assessors supplierAssessment=Supplier assessment supplierAssessorName=Name supplierAssessorEmail=Email supplierAssessorRole=Role advancedSearch=Advanced search confirmCompanyContactStateDelete=Please confirm to delete this status. contactsSettings=Company contacts relation=Relation questionaire=Questionaire manageCriteria=Manage criteria supplier=Supplier newSupplierAssessmentProcedure=New supplier asssessment procedure manageAssessors=Manage assessors Event.AttachmentAdded=added an attachment newMessage=A participant sent a new message. Label.DisablePurchaserEmailNotifications=Notifications DisablePurchaserEmailNotifications=Deactivate emails? Tooltip.DisablePurchaserEmailNotifications=If you choose „Yes“ you will not receive emails with information regarding the request (eg new offers or messages from participants). This setting does not effect the participants. assessorsChosen=Assessors chosen assessmentHelp=Assessment help Explanation=Explanation Stars=Stars PercentSelector=Percent assessorCommentRequired=Comment by assessor required assessmentPageTitle=Supplier assessment by {0} ({1}) weight=Weight Suppliers=Suppliers Assessors=Assessors supplierAssessments=Supplier assessments barChart=Bar chart radarChart=Radar chart createNewSupplierAssessmentProcedure=Create a new supplier assessment procedure confirmDeleteSupplierAssessmentProcedure=Are you sure you want to delete this supplier assessment procedure? The information can not be recovered afterwards! SupplierAssessmentProcedureCreated=The procedure has been created. addMainCriterion=Add main criterion addAssessmentCriteria=Add sub criterion positionCommentTooltip=If you have a remark to this position respectively your offer, you can add a comment here. preview=Preview previewTooltip=how a participant would see the request Comment=Comment defaultRequestAttachment=Default attachment defaultRequestAttachmentCheckBoxText=Add to new requests defaultRequestAttachmentTooltip=With this setting, the attachment is added automatically but changeable to new requests. purchaseRequisition=Purchase requisition for=for title=Title purchaseRequisitionTitlePlaceholder=Title or topic for your purchase requisition purchaseRequisitionDescriptionPlaceholder= purchaseRequisitionRequisitionerNamePlaceholder=Your name purchaseRequisitionRequisitionerEmailPlaceholder=Your email yourNameYourEmail=Your name / email offerDateDeliveryDate=Expected date for offers/delivery purchaser=Purchaser TemporaryReplacement=Temporary replacement purchaseRequisitions=Purchase Requisitions takeRequest=Take request confirmTakeRequest=Please confirm that you want to take the request. defaultRequestAttachmentForClient=for clients Updated=Last update purchaseRequisitionSuccess=Your purchase requisition has successfully submitted. You will receive an email with further information shortly. confirmDeleteArticleFromSapExport=Are you sure you want to remove this article from the SAP export file? Please note that the article will only be removed from the SAP export, not from the request. This dialog will only show before you remove the first article. defaultOfferDaysAdd=Default value days to offer defaultDeliveryDaysAdd=Default value delivery date daysFromCurrentDate=days from current day editPurchaser=Edit purchaser copyToRequest=Create request PurchaseRequisitionState.New=New PurchaseRequisitionState.NeedsRework=Needs rework PurchaseRequisitionState.InRequest=In request PurchaseRequisitionState.Declined=Declined PurchaseRequisitionState.Reworked=Reworked confirmDeclinePurchaseRequisitionMessage=Please state a reason why you decline this purchase requisition: decline=Decline backToRequisitioner=Back to requisitioner confirmBackToRequisitionerMessage=Please state a reason why the requisitioner needs to rework this purchase requisition: enableReturnToRequestor=Enable back to requisitioner purchaseRequisitionUpdateSuccess=You have successfully updated the purchase requisition. linkToPurchaseRequisition=Form confirmDeleteAssessmentCriterion=Do you want to delete this criterion? confirmDelete=Do you want to delete this record? addSupplierAssessmentCriterion=Add supplier assessment criterion editSupplierAssessmentCriterion=Edit supplier assessment criterion addSupplierAssessor=Add supplier assessor editSupplierAssessor=Edit supplier assessor SupplierAssessmentSuccess=You have successfully submitted your supplier assessment. missingAssessmentWarnungMessage=There are some missing assessments. Save Assessment? (This could affecte the Total rating) hasResponseTooltip=has response suppliers=suppliers manageSupplierAssessors=Manage supplier assessors distributePercent=Do you want to automatically distribute the percentages? errorPercentMainCriteria=The percentages in the main criteria do not sum up to 100%. The current sum is {0}%. errorPercentSubCriteria=The percentages in the {0} criterion do not sum up to 100%. The current sum is {1}%. checkPercent=Check % SupplierAssessmentProcedureUpdated=You have successfully updated the procedure. purchaseRequisitionSettingsGeneralDescriptionText=This text will be displayed on top of the purchase requisition page answerRequired=Answer required? errorNotAllRequiredQuestionsAnswered=Please answer all required questions. errorNameAndEmailRequired=Please enter your name and email. errorPurchaserRequired=Please select a purchaser. copyQuestionsToRequest=Copy purchase requisition questions to request purchaseRequisition.TransparencyLevel=Requisitioner sees purchaseRequisition.TransparencyLevel.RequestOnly=only that there is a request purchaseRequisition.TransparencyLevel.RequestAndState=that there is a request and the status purchaseRequisition.TransparencyLevel.RequestAndStateAndEvaluationAfterFinish=that there is a a request and the evaluation after submission deadline purchaseRequisition.TransparencyLevel.RequestAndStateAndEvaluation=that there is a request and the evaluation times=times Tooltip.ExtendMaxTimes=If you do not want to limit the extensions, leave this field empty. errorNoPositionsInPurchaseRequisition=You did not add any position to your purchase requisition. Submit to the purchaser anyway? CopyPurchaseRequisitionAttachmentToRequest=Copy this file to request attachments resendLinkSuccess=The link to the purchase requisition has been successfully sent to the requisitioner. resendLink=Resend link resendLinkTooltip=Resend the link to the purchase requisition to the requisitioner copyToDescriptionTooltip=Copy the questions and answers to the request description copyQuestionaireSuccess=Questions and answers copied CompanyContactStatusChangeEvent=Status changed CompanyContactStatusChangeEventDetails=changed the status from {0} to {1} print=Print reports=Reports assessmentHelp=Assessment help totalRating=Total rating editTitle=Edit title offerOpeningAfterFinishDate=Offers can be opened after the submission deadline. openOffers=Open offers note=Note attendees=Attendees trialHeadline=Try 1 month for free! trialContent=Free trial period without risk. trialKeepInformed=Yes, please keep my up-to-date with the latest news by email. offersOpeningProtocol=Protocol QuotationNumber=Quotation number QuotationNumberTooltip=You can add your quotation number so we can reference to it. QuotationNumberPlaceholder=Your quotation number ChooseAttachmentsForDownload=Please select at least one attachment to download as ZIP. yourNameYourEmail=Your name / email offerDateDeliveryDate=Expected offer / delivery date purchaser=Responsible purchaser createZip=Create zip file AttachmentNotEditable=This attachment is not editable, because a participant uploaded it. AttachmentNotEditableAttachmentContainer=This attachment is not editable, because it is stored in the attachment container. If you need to edit this attachment, please do so in the attachment container. Label.invitationReference=Reference number Label.Note=Internal note invitationDetails=Participation details lastInvitationSendDate=Last invitation email sent on {0} lastOfferDate=The participant updated the offer on {0} dutchAuctionFinished=Another participant accepted the price, therefore this auction is finished. answerAllMustQuestions=Please answer all questions marked as "must"-criterion. auctionStartsIn=The auction starts in {0} sapReferenceNumberMissing=Not all participants have a SAP refernce number defined. addInitialOffer=Add an initial offer initialOffer=Initial offer editTenderingContact=Contact editTenderingContactInfoText=You are not the responsible contact person for this request? Please tell us about the correct contact in your company. Your colleague will receive an invitation to the provided email address. openIssuesFilter=Open Issues hasOpenIssues=has open issues hasNoOpenIssues=has no open issues mobilePhone=Mobile/cell phone ChoseContactToDelete=Please choose a contact to delete Label.NDARequired=Conditions for participation Text.NDARequired=Use conditions for participation/NDA? accept=Accept Label.TendererPasswordRequired=Password protection Text.TendererPasswordRequired=Participants need to define a password? tenderingPasswordLabelText=For future access to this request, please enter a personal password (at least 8 characters) tenderingPasswordTooShort=Please enter a password with at least 8 characters tenderingLoginLabelText=To access this request, please enter your personal password. In case you have forgotten your password, please contact {0} ({1}). resetTendererPassword=Reset password for the participant resetTendererPasswordSuccess=The password has been successfully reseted. confirmSaveAndSend=Are you sure you want to send the invitations to the participants? quotationNumberRequired=Please enter a quotation number that we can refer to. followUpRequest=Follow-up request followUpRequestTooltip=Create a follow-up request based on this request Label.CompanyCode=CompanyCode copyGroup=Copy group Label.QuestionGroupsDescription=Description (shown to participant) Label.QuestionGroupsAsVariant=Only questions marked as 'must' in one group need to be answered by the participant to submit? answerAllMustQuestionsInAtLeastOneGroup=Plase answer all questions marked as "must" in at least one group. allowDeadlineExtension=Allow deadline extension in state "Evaluation"? requestActions=More actions extendDeadline=Extend deadline extendDeadlineInfo=Here you can re-open a procedure by extending the submission deadline. All participants who have not declined the participation will be notified by email. The status will go back to 'sent'. reset=Reset SaveSupplierAssessmentResult=Save the supplier assessment result? SupplierAssessmentReportingDate=Date of the result (important for reporting) AnonymizeSupplierAssessmentExcel=Do you want to make the result anonymous, ie download without the assessors names? makeResultsAnonymous=Make results anonymous? contactCustomFields=Custom fields for contacts confirmCompanyContactClassificationDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete this classification. NotVisible=Not visible Visible=Visible Required=Required choseEntryToDelete=Please choose an entry to delete. choseEntryToEdit=Please choose an entry to edit. companyContactCustomFields=Custom fields for company contacts field=Field addMainMaterialGroup=Add main material group makeResultsAnonymous=Make results anonymous? anonymizeAssessorsInEvaluation=Make assessors anonymous in Excel? erpKey=ERP-ID confirmMaterialGroupDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete this material group. XlsPriceUploadInfo=Upload the previously downloaded template with your prices. To add your own attachments, please use "+Add own attachment" in the "Attachments" register. downloadICS=Download calendar entry purchaseRequisitionEditor=Editor purchaseRequisitionChoosePurchaser=User chooses purchaser purchaseRequisitionDefaultEditor=Default editor (eg team mailbox) mailbox=mailbox editable=editable pRStatusEditableTooltip=Is the purchase requisition editable by the requisitioner in this status? ChoseCompanyContactStateToDelete=Please choose an entry to delete. createOrderForm=Order form orderFormPageTitle=Create order form requestArchive=Archive relatedRequests=Related requests notVisible=not visible visible=visible Event.ExternalAccessAdded=added a collaborative access externalAccesses=collaborative accesses externalAccess=collaborative access useExternalAccess=Use feature collaborative work? Event.ExternalAccessActivated=activated an collaborative access Event.ExternalAccessDeactivated=deactivated an collaborative access requestExternalAccesses=Involve colleagues or partners in the project selectAll=Select all selectAllTooltip=Selects all contacts based on the current filter settings addAndContinue=Add & continue lockCollabAccessTooltip=The collaborative access is currently active, click to deactivate unlockCollabAccessTooltip=The collaborative access is currently deactived, click to activate publicAnnouncement=Public announcements usePublicAnnouncement=Use public announcements? publicAnnouncementCopied=The link to the public announcement has been copied to the clipboard. publicAnnouncementPageTitle=Registration to participate in the request "{0}" contactData=Your contact data editRequisitionerEmail=Edit email address deliveryConfirmation=Delivery confirmation useCustomSendRequestConfirmationText=Use custom text after 'Save and Send'? includeGeneralDescriptionInPdf=Include introduction text? presettings=Presettings saveText=Save text toast.textSaved=Text successfully saved Label.indicativeRequest=Indicative request Label.reportLocations=Report over locations Text.indicativeRequest=Make request indicative? indicativeRequests=Indicative requests useIndicativeRequests=Use indicative requests? declineReasons=Decline reasons declineReason=Decline reason useDeclineReasons=Use Decline Reasons ChoseDeclineReasonToEdit=Please choose a decline reason to edit. confirmDeclineReasonDelete=Please confirm that you want to delete the selected decline reason. errorEditDeclineReason=An error occurred. errorCreateDeclineReason=An error occurred. errorDeleteDeclineReason=An error occurred. selectDeclineReasons=Select decline reasons addAllParticipants=Add all participants removeAllParticipants=Remove all recipients messageIsShowForAll=Show message to subsequently added participants as well? # Forms form=Form forms=Forms formSettings=Form settings newForm=New form formType=Form type enabled=Enabled enableAttachments=Enable attachments? activateForm=Activate form? activateFormSwitchTooltip=Activate this form to make it availble for usage. requiredQuestion=An answer is required? isRequiredQuestion=Required question notRequiredQuestion=Unrequired question createForm=Create form updateForm=Update form noFormSelected=No form selected. successfullyCreatedForm=Successfully created form. successfullyUpdatedForm=Successfully updated form. possibleAnswers=Possible answers employees=Employees addEditEmployee=Employee firstName=First name lastName=Last name noEmployeeSelected=No employee selected confirmDeleteForm=Please confirm that you want to delete the selected form. confirmDeleteEmployee=Please confirm that you want to delete this employee. type=Type creationDate=Date created status=Status # Form types QuestionnaireForm=Simple Form PositionsForm=Form with positions InternCatalogForm=Form with internal catalog ExternCatalogForm=Form with external catalog ShowForAll=and all participants (subsequently added as well) unitPriceRequired=Price is required Details=Details QuestionsForGroup=Questions groupSubTotal=Calculate sub total childGroupsAsWorksheet=Child groups as separate worksheet in evaluation? calculatedFields=Calculated fields RequestorOnly=Only visible to the purchaser Field=Field is visible to the participant Calculation=Visible to the participant as well saveNegotiationResult=Save negotiation result TenderSaved.Title=Successs TenderSaved.Message=You have successfully saved your work. Please keep in mind that your response has not been submitted to the purchaser yet. shortOffersOpeningProtocol=Use short offers opening protocol? Tooltip.ShortOffersOpeningProtocol=If yes, the tender sums will be ommited. NegotiationResult=Negotiation result Event.NegotiationResultCreated=saved a negotiation result AlternativeDisplayOption=Display alternative disableParticipantAttachments=Deactivate attachments upload by participants? Tooltip.DisableParticipantAttachments=If set to "yes", participants cannot upload files in the "attachments"-tab negotiationResultSaved=Negotiation result saved negotiationResultSavedText=You have successfully saved the negotiation result. You may add an additional comment for the procedure record: noOffersTooltip=The participant did not submit an offer. bidIncomplete=You have not provided all required information. evaluationOnFinishDate=Evaluation evaluationWithNegotiations=Evaluation including negotiation results Operator.EQ=Equals (=) Operator.GT=Greater than (>) Operator.GE=Greater or eqauls (>=) Operator.LT=Lower than (<) Operator.LE=Lower or equals (<=) answerCondition=If answer dependantQuestions=Dependant questions QuestionExplanation=Explanation AdditionalField=Addtional field # FilledFormStatus Draft=Draft Sent=Sent Rejected=Rejected Approved=Approved ToBeApproved=To be approved Ended=Finished PurchaseRequisitor=Purchase requisitioner SelectPurchaseRequisitor=Select purchase requisitor endRequisition=End requisition endRequisitionDialogTitle=End requisition pleaseEnterComment=Plase enter a comment purchaserChangeSuccess=Purchaser changed successfully endComment=End comment approvals=Approvals comments=Comments customStatus=Status field MessageBox.PurchaseRequisitionWillNotBeSent=The purchase requisition will be saved but not sent. useCustomSaveConfirmationText=Use custom save confirmation text? customSaveConfirmationText=Custom save confirmation text saved=Saved toPurchaseRequistition=To purchase requisition impersonate=Impersonate MinimumOneUserMustBeActive= At least, one user must be active useExternalAccessArchive=Allow archive download with collaborative access? MessageBox.UseExternalAccessArchiveConfirmation=The archive always contains all information. Activate anyway? impersonate=Impersonate salesOrderNumber=SAP Reference glaccount=G/L account visibleInFormQuestion=Visible in form question OrganizationalUnit=Organizational unit manageAbsence=Manage Absence absentFromTo=Abwesend from / to absentFrom=From absentTo=To formAbsences=Absences approvalResent=The current approval has been resent resendApproval=Resend current approval true=Yes false=No toRequests=To requests confirmCancelAddContacts=All selected contacts will be deselected. DependantQuestion=Dependant question ReorderQuestions=Reorder questions confirmDeleteFormQuestion=Please confirm that you want to delete this question. desiredDeliveryDate=Desire delivery date floatInputTooltip=Please use "{0}" as decimal separator NeedsRework=Needs rework User=User reportMode=Report by materialGroup=Material group singleSupplier=Supplier compare=Compare Average=Average NumberOfAssessments=Assesments unassigned=Unassigned requestOverdue=The deadline for submission was reached, but the procedure was not sent. requestUnansweredMessages=The last message in the history is from a participant. requestCanBeOpened=The procedure is in the status of evaluation, but the offers have not been opened yet. floatInputTooltip=Please use "{0}" as decimal separator